Best Pension Annuity   Drawdown Pension Calculator
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We do not require your personal details, your quote will automatically be displayed and sent to your email address in seconds.
By answering the questions on this page we will be able to give you an indicative Drawdown Pension quote, including all associated costs and charges. You will have the opportunity to amend your quote, print a copy and if you want, request further information. If you have any questions please feel free to call us on 020 33 55 4827.
Your Age :
Your Pension Fund Value :   £
Please enter numbers to the nearest (£) pound only to tell us how much your pension fund is worth - Do not include £ 'pound signs' or text
Your Email Address :  
You will get an instant printable quote as soon as you have answered the questions on this form. We will also send a quote to you via email
Basis of your quote - Please select one
Please indicate how you wish to use your pension fund so that we can provide a quote reflecting those requirements. We will only quote for flexible drawdown based products only - We do not quote automatically on annuities, but can provide a quote if you want one. Please call 020 33 55 4827
Tax Free Cash Only  
Tax Free Cash and a Regular Income  
Tax Free Cash and a further one off taxable Lump Sum  
Regular Income Only  
One Off Taxable Lump Sum Only  
This option assumes you have previously taken tax free cash
Take ALL of your Pension Fund  
You can choose to either have it all in one go, or take a guaranteed amount over a number of consecutive financial years, or fully flexible for you to decide how and when you take money out.
Transfer my fund now ready to Drawdown Later  
What type of pension do you have ?
Personal Pension (Defined Contribution)  
This can be a pension that you hold in your name or you may have one via an employer. Typically the pension will be run by a well known insurance company. Stakeholder, GPPs SIPPs SASSs and most AVCs are all personal pensions.
Final Salary (Defined Benefit)  
This is a pension only available via your current or previous employer. The pension is based on how many years you worked for the employer. NOT all pensions offered by employers are Final Salary. Many use Group Personal Pensions, which are Defined Contribution Schemes.
Don't Know !!  
Don't worry, it's not unusual. We will quote on the basis that it is a personal pension. If you ask us to arrange your drawdown we will check everything out for you before any transfer takes place.