Tax Free Cash from Pension Fund

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If you are aged 55 or over you can take a 25% tax free pension lump sum NOW with with :


no need to retire


no need to buy an annuity


no need to take an income


the remaining 75% invested until you want it


the ability to use the new April 2015 rules

It is a common misconception that you can only take a lump sum from a personal pension when you retire - or that by taking a lump sum from your pension it means that you also have to take a pension annuity (income) too. This is not so.

Your current personal pension provider may require you to take an income, but that is about the rules around personal pension plans and not overall UK pension law.

By transferring your fund from your standard personal pension into a more flexible income drawdown contract you can gain better control of your pension fund and use it how you want in line with the pension rules in the UK.

If you only want your 25% tax free pension lump sum - that is exactly what we do ! - CLICK HERE FOR A FREE QUOTE

We don't do anything fancy with your money, there are no offshore schemes or convoluted loan schemes. We use a well know regulated pension policy known as income drawdown. Likewise your money won't be transferred to a company you have never heard of. If you use us, your money will be transferred to Scottish Life a specialist UK pension company. Scottish Life are part of the Royal London Group and, like us, they are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

While we cannot guarantee we will be able tp grow the value of your pension fund, by dealing only with UK regulated companies, your money is safe and you will have the protection of dealing with companies who are authorised by the UK regulator.

If you need more help or information then every customer who requests a quote also receives a comprehensive information pack, we are always happy to answer questions via email or telephone. You can call us on 020 33 55 4827. Why not download our free guide 'How to take a Lump Sum from your Pension (and use the rest how you want)'.

Click here for a quote on taking a Lump Sum from your Pension
Free Guide- How to take a Lump Sum from your pension
Tax Free Pension Lump Sum Guide on Kindle Get your Income Drawdown Guide on Kindle
Get your Tax Free Pension Lump sum guide
Buy on Kindle - How to take a Lump Sum from your Pension Lump Sum from Pension Guide
Direct to your kindle - Our Pension Lump Sum Guide
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Frequently Asked Questions About taking A 25% Tax Free Pension Lump Sum
Our records indicate that the questions below are the most commonly asked about Pension Lump Sums by visitors to this site. If you have a question that does not appear below please contact us on 020 33 55 4827 and we will be happy to answer it.
Can I take a Pension Lump Sum and Leave the rest invested ?
How much can I take as a Pension Lump Sum ?
Can I take a Pension Lump Sum without taking a pension or annuity ?
Can I take a Pension Lump Sum and Leave the rest invested ?
The simple answer is yes. Most people who use us want to do exactly this. In the majority of cases your existing pension provider will insist on you also taking a regular income if you decide to cash in their pension plan. We therefore use a special contract called an income drawdown contract to help you achieve this goal. Why not request our personalised quote and information pack for more details.
Call 020 33 55 4827  for your Pension Lump Sum
2 hour service to provide pension lump sum quotes Request Pension Lump Sum Quotes Lump Sum Spacer
[Back To FAQ's]
How much can I take as a Pension Lump Sum ?
In the overwhelming majority of cases the maximum you can take is 25% of the entire value of your pension fund. Therefore if your pension were worth £80,000 then the maximum pension lump sum would be £20,000. If you prefer you can use our pension lump sum calculator at the top of this page.
[Back To FAQ's]
Can I take a Pension Lump Sum without taking a pension or annuity ?
Yes, however it is very likely that your existing pension plan provider will make you take both a lump sum and an income. We use a special contract to allow you to release a tax free pension lump sum without making you also take your income now. It is easy to use and we do all the work for you in any case. Simply answer a few simple questions and we can get a personalised information pack and a quote direct to your email inbox in hours. Pension Lump Sum Calculator and Quotes.
[Back To FAQ's]
Most pension contracts will allow you to take a lump sum from the contract known as a pension commencement lump sum. However you don't have to immediately take a regular income as well. We help many customers release their pension lump sum and leave the rest of the fund invested until later. Call us on 020 33 55 4827
Best Pension Annuity
Manufactured by: Royal London
Model: Tax Free Cash Release
Product ID: TFC-BPA
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