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Have you tried our new pension lump sum calculator yet ?

As part of our continued commitment to ensure customers have all the information they need to make informed decisions – irrespective of whether they do business with us, we have recently introduced a significantly updated pension lump sum calculator.

There has been a growing trend of people who want to take a tax free lump sum from their pension while leaving the rest of their pension invested until they are older. Unfortunately some people who would like to take a lump sum, are unable to do so, due to their age. This is reflected in the rules imposed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). It is important to us, (as well as the customer) that they are clear that they are unable to take their lump sum yet, and don’t give away their pension fund, to unauthorised and unregulated companies who will keep the lion’s share of the fund for themselves, and expose the customer to a 40% tax charge.

Likewise there are some customers who circumstances will allow them to take all of their pension fund as a lump sum. Our pension lump sum calculator covers all of these circumstances and more.

But answering just a few simple questions we can tell you if you can take a lump sum from your pension, if so how much. We will also explain other issues relating to your circumstances. Most importantly in line with our business values, we will do all of this without making you disclose personal information such as your name, email address and telephone number. We want our customers to feel they are dealing with a company they can trust, and who puts the customers needs first.

Of course if a customer wants to take things further and get bespoke quotes and information pack, then we are happy to do this. Once again we will only ask you to provide enough information to get you the quote you want, and then to get it to you.

Most importantly we want your feedback. Does the tool do the job- can you calculate your pension tax free cash entitlement ? does it tell you what you want to know ? is there anything missing ? What ever you have to say about this, or any part of our business (good or bad) we want to hear it. You can use the panel on the right to find several ways of contacting us.

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If you are asking yourself "should I take a pension lump sum" ? then our pension lump sum calculator and the information on this website can help you make an informed decision.
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  The value of your pension fund can fall as well as rise.
  By Bob Cook
  Published : 16th September 2013
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